I’m getting excited!!!

Let me introduce myself. My name is Janeen and I am a teacher, wife, and mother. I enjoy my teaching career, having taught for over 20 years and have experience in all grades, with a focus on upper elementary. I love to make something creative everyday, playing in all different types of mediums. I just received a Cricut for Christmas and I have been spending a lot of time making things for friends and family. I’m trying to figure out how to make my hobby self-sustainable. Join me for this journey to see how it is done.

A little bit more about me and my family. I have been blessed to have a wonderful child who has been born with Autism. This journey with Autism (which is NEVER dull), has adjusted my view and has allowed me a perspective that I would not have otherwise had. I have a firm belief that no matter what a person is dealt, they are still responsible for their behavior and are expected to be positive contributing members of society. I have high expectations of humanity. We may not all participate in the same way, but we must do our best to make our society a better place to be.

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