EEK! It’s a leek!!!

 A leek growing in only water
Leek growing in only water

The other night, Mr. Burly and I made Jamie Oliver’s Greens Mac’n’Cheese. The recipe required a leek but he store sold them in groups of 3. Having an “inspired” moment, I thought I would put the other 2 leeks into a vase to see if that would extend their life. Unfortunately, they shriveled up and wilted. As I took them out of the water, I noticed that the roots were growing. As I am bound to do, I went to the Google Machine to see if leeks can be replanted. I stumbled across this article from that shared multiple examples of kitchen scraps that can be regrown. I chopped off the bottoms of the leeks and put them into water onto the windowsill. As you can see, they are growing! I will have to do more research about how to keep them standing up straight. For the amount of times I use leeks in a year, it will be time to use it in a recipe again by the time they are regrown.