Have I told anyone that I melt in the heat?

There’s not much in this life that I seriously dislike, but heat is one of them. I’m very thankful for our air conditioners this year. We are hoping to save up to install forced air next summer, but to do both sides is a LOT!!! It’s a LOT to do only one side, so double is LOT LOT!!!! But it will be worth it. 
I only cut out about 10 minutes worth of stuff this morning and then went on an adventure to Salem with Mr. Burly. We didn’t spend as much as we thought we would, so that is always a good thing. I did spend about a half hour spending my tax  allotment on Amazon.com ordering things for the classroom. I’m going to switch things up a little bit and go with a burlap and black theme with a pop of color. I’m getting excited for the decorating part of going back, not necessarily the curriculum part. For that, my partner in crime usually go over the coast for a couple of nights and get things hashed out while listening to the ocean roar and drinking whatever we deem necessary at the moment. That way we at least have each other (and some alcohol) to help barrel through that icky stuff.
Tomorrow is going to be another icky one. So if you don’t hear from me, it’s because I’ve melted into a puddle in the corner. It’s probably best to just leave me there.
Have a great night! J
PS… Monkey story of the day: I splurged and just bought an espresso machine and as part of our adventure today Mr. Burly and I stopped at the Cash and Carry to get some accessories. On our way home we picked up the Monkey from Grammie and Granddads. He was very excited to help set up the coffee machine, but the kitchen wasn’t clean and I hadn’t bought the coffee beans yet. After I had convinced him that unloading the dishwasher would help make getting the coffee machine going faster (because I can’t work in a dirty kitchen) I had mentioned to Mr. Burly that I was going to go down to the local coffee shop and get some coffee and some coffee beans. Cole immediately put in his two cents by adding “Why are you going? You have a coffee machine right here!!!” Yes. Yes I do! I love his logic!