Don’t Look Ethel!!!

It finally happened. I snapped. I couldn’t take it anymore! It had to be dealt with. All of those wonderful things that I had printed out from Teacher Pay Teachers and Create-abilities had to be dealt with, and in a short manner. It was ugly, but it wasn’t as bloody as I thought it would be. All appendages are still intact. I got all 52 question tags and absent folders and all the other fun stuff cut out.

If you don’t want to see the carnage, I suggest you scroll down quickly.

Here it is. A day’s worth of exoskeletons from the wonderful things that I’m going to put up in my classroom this year. Sadly, it only took one swipe of my arm to clean up this massacre. You would think with that much effort it would have taken longer. Like when I bake brownies it takes twice as long to clean up than to eat the entire tray itself!. To prove it, I even timed myself. (I told you that I was “that girl, didn’t I?) It took 30 seconds to cut out each one. But 30 seconds times 52 is a LOT of scissor time! Especially when I haven’t conditioned for it. My poor little cutter muscles are TIRED!!! Who’d a thunk that much work? So much time to just cut out some fancy little pictures with words on it? Just to make my classroom more user friendly? Off and on today I worked on this project. I also was able to score a bookshelf from a couple of professors who were moving to Chico State for $25. I’m excited for this to be up in the classroom and have the new books that I got from ILA (International LIteracty Association). Some of my teaching buddies have been showing off and have already READ a couple of the books that they got! Don’t they know that I have another stack of papers that need to be cut out? I guess we all rejuvenate and get mentally prepared for the upcoming year in our own ways. And I love each and everyone of them for it!

Monkey story of the day: Monkey got to spend the day with Grammie and Granddad because Mr. Burly and I had to pick up the bookshelf and I also had a meeting with some absolutely wonderful ladies! (I would like to say that we met over drinks, but we were good little girls and had fruit.) Anyhoo… He had created a zip line from the top of one door (attached to a coat hook that is on the door) to the door knob of the door across the room. He has a chicken toy that has a wheel on it (something from Burger King I’m sure) and it wouldn’t stay on the zip line. So all by himself he figured out that if he taped another toy (a lion… Yes, now he has a chicken on a wheel riding a lion…) it would counterweight the chicken. It worked PERFECTLY! Of course he couldn’t explain that was what he did. He just knew that it needed something on the bottom to keep it steady. I wish that I could just get inside his brain and see how his ideas work. Needless to say… I was impressed.
Have a great night everyone! J