I so was not intending to, but I did…

I was not intending to spend the last 4 hours working on school stuff and then end up eating dinner at 9:00. I just got sucked into that vortex! It all started with me at my sewing machine (again… Maybe there is something to that…) and thinking about the papers on my desk that needed to be cut out and glued together. Not a long project, right? Well, first off, I was the one. The one girl in the group that doesn’t listen to directions and ends up cutting papers that shouldn’t be cut. “Teacher!!! I need another copy!!!!”

 Gotta love it! So after that bruhahah, I decided that I would surf on Facebook. That’s relaxing… Right? I start seeing a post in my memory from my partner in crime from LAST YEAR!!! It was a great idea about a backpack/entry checklist that are clipped onto the backpacks. They are really cute! And something that we thought we wanted to do last year, but faded in all of the other “gottas” that come up really fast. So I spent some time creating one of our own that is for us (and actually the final product has pictures on it.) That twirled me into happiness. 

Not literally. I mean my shoulders hurt and the dog was being spastic puppy and the “MOOOMMMMM” was coming out of the other room. That twirled me into creating something that would remind me to be happy.
Not literally. I mean my shoulders hurt and the dog was being spastic puppy and the “MOOOMMMMM” was coming out of the other room. That twirled me into creating something that would remind me to be happy. I saw an inspirational video this past year and it seemed to help me get through certain issues with certain people. I wanted something that was visible to me at all times, so I took the words from the video, typed them up, and created a bookmark that I’m going to put into my lesson plan book as a divider. I’m going to glue it on both sides so when I flip it, it is always there.  The words come from Higher Perspective website. 

I did get to spend some quality time with my physical therapist, sewing machine, and garden today, so it wasn’t all school work. But add another 4 hours on top of the 2 yesterday, 2 the day before that, 6 days in Boston at a Literacy Conference (ok… Some of it was tourist stuff, but we were always on the lookout for something cool for our classrooms. A new book, a poster, or a new squishy that can go into the fidget bucket), and then 3 more days on top of that for math training the week after school got out. By my calculations (18 for math training, I’ll average 40 for the conference, and then the 8 for the past couple of days), I’ve already put in 66 extra hours to get ready for this coming school year.

So I’ve finished my dinner while writing, so I think that it is finally time for bed. I wish I could say that tomorrow would be school free, but it isn’t. I’m going to go get a bookshelf that I ordered off of craigslist that will go into the classroom, then I get to meet up with some fabulous ladies to discuss some upcoming events that our local reading council is putting on this school year.

Have a good night everyone! J

PS… Monkey story for the day… Mr. Burly found Monkey out in the garage today. I’m in the office working and I hear “WHAT DID YOU DO??? NOOOOOO!!!!!” So, as a concerned parent I did exactly what I was supposed to do. I kept working and let him deal with it. HAHAH! Monkey had somehow stopped the washer mid cycle (not quite sure how that happened since once it starts it almost takes a sledgehammer to get it to stop) and kindly put the clothes in the washer. Monkey had great intentions, but he missed the part where the washer needed to finish doing its job BEFORE things go into the dryer. “But Dad! I was just trying to help you do laundry!” What a doll! J