The day and life of a teacher momma

As I was sitting at my sewing station pressing fabric (which is for another post), I thought about the idea of chronicling what the world of a teacher is like. We hear everyday that teachers work hard and put in so many hours of overtime during the school year and in the summer. But I was wondering what does that really look like? I know that I work hard, but I try to make it my mission to get as much done as I can during the work day so I don’t have to spend that much time after school. But do I spend more time than I think I do? If you count stress dreams about school, then that is a 24/7 job! So, tonight while I was twirling around my house from project to project, I remembered that I had signed up to get an email 4 times a month with free teaching ideas, but it could only be opened on a computer (not a mobile device). So here it is… July 25 and I spent an two hours of today printing out cool new labels for my bins and getting decals created for my teaching partner and my classroom doors. Pinterest and Teachers pay Teachers are EVIL!!! Absolutely fabulous, but I get sucked into the vortex and can’t get out. One of the sessions that I was in during my trip to Boston with fellow colleagues, gave us permission to not have a Pinterest worthy classroom. Now that I have that permission, I now NEED to have a Pinterest worthy classroom! Gotta love it!

On the home front, our 10 year old son, who will be referred to as Monkey (for reasons that will probably spill out soon enough) didn’t want to get into the water during swim lessons because the water was too wet! Good grief!!! Then, after I had finally pulled myself away from downloading some really cool free things for my classroom I had gone back to pressing my fabric. I heard this sound of chains crashing in the garage. Knowing that Monkey was out there, I went to go see what mischief he was creating. I opened the door and asked him what he was up to. “Oh… Nothing….” Was the response. Upon closer inspection, I saw that he had put all of his Lego men (he has probably close to 75 or 80 of them… (Maybe that will be a good math problem for tomorrow) into the dryer! I kindly asked him to get his men out of the dryer. “But MOM!!!! That’s their new home!!!” Where is the face palm emoji when you need it? I calmly replied that they have been given an eviction notice and that they would need to find another residence in 5 minutes. For some odd reason that worked and now the dryer is safe for another night. No promises for tomorrow.

Have a good night everyone! J